Friday, December 4, 2009


Yes this is a late for Thanksgiving thankfulness... but it is never too late to be thankful for things. I am very thankful to my friends who listen to me and make me remember that this life is wonderful! Without them I would be so miserable! I am also extremely thankful to have cousins. My cousins are like my older brothers and care so much about me. I am so thankful to have people like them in my life. Are the perfect? Of course not, they have flaws just as much as the next person but they care so much about me. I feel so special! I am also thankful for their wives! Who wouldn't want more family? They all have chosen wonderful women to spend their lives with and I couldn't love them more!

I am thankful that I know what I am supposed to do in this life, what I was made to do! I am going to enjoy where I am right now!

Peace, Love

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Until Now

Sharing is caring, a poem for you, my loves:


These few words are enough, if not these words,this breath...

If not this breath, this sitting
This opening to the life we have refused
again and again until now.

Until now.

In this moment of epiphany
This opening to the life we have refused
again and again

until NOW.

~david whyte

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Hola, mis amigas <3

Jia, I'm glad you found so much to be thankful for on Thanksgiving- it's inspiring. This Thanksgiving break, I have struggled to be happy. I finally found peace today, after reading this article: It has made me truly consider the way I view life. As a Buddhist, I proscribe to the belief that much of our suffering is created. That does not mean it carries any less weight, but that it can be alleviated by our thought patterns. I am going to begin to explore possibilities instead of expectations and hopefully, enjoy the clarity. I am grateful for meditation and beautiful friends. You are my family. Much love, namaste <3

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving, loves! Now, I've finally gotten a little more sleep and can write a coherent blog.

I have so much to be thankful for this year. I feel like I might be able to go on forever about the things I'm thankful for. So, here goes... I am thankful for:

- My parents: I will always be eternally grateful for their care, love, and support. I am thankful for them lending their insight on things because I'm still young and learning to grow up. I'm thankful for them always having a warm meal for me whenever I get home after having a long day. I'm thankful especially for Mommy waking me up in the morning to check on me and making sure the stress of my hectic schedule isn't getting to me. Since I am Daddy's little girl, I'm thankful for Daddy and his constant checking up on me to ensure I'm on top of everything and always being on the lookout for me. As much as my parents and I may clash from time to time, I love them and don't know what I'd do without them.

- My sister: Although my sister may drive me crazy at times, I wouldn't change it for the world. Sometimes, she may borrow my clothes without asking or may not listen when I'm telling her about my experience to prevent her from repeating the same mistakes but these things are an integral part of sisterhood. I'm thankful for our bond. I know she will approach me about a problem before she approaches anyone else for advice or comfort. For that, I am thankful.

- My friends: I'm thankful for the ones who go out of their way to keep up with my life, comfort me when I'm feeling down, calm me down when I'm angry, listen to my problems (and provide advice when asked), and just generally truly show me that they care. I'm especially thankful for Melanie Chan, Wayne Chen, and Christina Bartel. Truly, Melanie is the big sister I never had. I'm thankful that I can come to her with anything even at 3am in the morning via any means of communication. It's great for me but she probably wishes she never had GChat or could chuck her iPhone out when I harass her. Mostly, I'm grateful for the infinite patience she has with me. I don't even know where to start with Wayne. Besides the fact that he's such a riot, I'm thankful that he empathizes with me so well. He can seriously make me laugh my way through anything. Christina, I'm so glad that we've established our *look* when we catch on to what the other is talking about when we're in the presence of other people. I'm just thankful for just having gotten to know you as of late and showing me how to have fun in the midst of it all.

- God: I'm sure he's been there all along carrying me through the storm like in the Footprints poem but I just couldn't feel it and closed myself off to the possibility. I'm so thankful to feel his presence in my life again because things are starting to fall back together after falling apart.

- The brave men and women serving our great nation: This one hits pretty close to home because I think this is the first Thanksgiving my cousin will be celebrating with the family in four years. For the last four Thanksgivings, he's either been on base or overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan. I'm overjoyed that his committment is over and can finally be home to celebrate with us. Also, in light of the Fort Hood massacre, I just want to give thanks to our troops for putting their lives on the line and sacrificing their freedom for my freedom. I'm thankful for the freedom to worry about everyday life like paper writing and test taking as opposed to being hit by snipers or an IED.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Akin to Jia, I have been way too busy to post as of late. I learned a lot this weekend, and I am grateful for that. I feel like I finally learned the importance of self-care, and how life looks without it. Restorative yoga always resets my soul, making emotions less weighty and life less intense, in a good way.

Jia, I love your pictures. They are stunning and I adore you. Always. I love that you are excited about winter and I hope that rubs off on me <3 Much love, namaste.

This song I dedicate to our inner dancer. Let loose <3